They should rename the clearance section to "Guju Section." GUJU CHE.

Walking out of a party and not knowing which Toyota is yours. GUJU CHE.

"Girl you wear so much makeup it looks like you got attacked by the atta bin." GUJU CHE.

That day I learned goats also call their grandmothers "baa." GUJU CHE.

even the Costco-sized sugar box isn't enough for the gujju cooking. GUJU CHE.

Our food names (fafda, thepla, dhokla, etc...) cause more concern to the Japanese than our bombs did. GUJU CHE.

That day you learn there are other Indians that are non-gujus. What kind of food do they eat?! GUJU CHE.

If you get hit on by Guju guys, raise your glasses; if not, raise your hotel rating. GUJU CHE.

You know ur a guju when u tell ur girlfriend not to make u a sandwich,make some Chai!!! GUJU CHE.

When an auntie came home the other day, the first thing she said to me was "Beta.... you are looking like your DEAAD" Gotta love those accents! "GUJU CHE"

no gujju party or wedding is complete without a session of garba, JSK & JSN.

Getting tired in PE class but on the flip side do Garba for several hours non-stop! GUJU CHE