That day I learned goats also call their grandmothers "baa." GUJU CHE.

Our food names (fafda, thepla, dhokla, etc...) cause more concern to the Japanese than our bombs did. GUJU CHE.

They should rename the clearance section to "Guju Section." GUJU CHE.

"Girl you wear so much makeup it looks like you got attacked by the atta bin." GUJU CHE.

Being bailed out of jail for stealing the sauce packets from Taco Bell. GUJU CHE.

In a guju kitchen, none of the jars are what they say. GUJU CHE.

I remember when the bus dropped me off and my friends would ask, "how long are you gonna stay at a motel?" GUJU CHE.

You know ur a guju when u tell ur girlfriend not to make u a sandwich,make some Chai!!! GUJU CHE.

"Asked mom for Beats by Dre, gets beat by velan instead." GUJU CHE.

All my non-gujarati friends think they can speak gujarati just by adding "che" to the end of their sentences. GUJU CHE.

I like my guys how I like my Hershey's bar: brown, rich, and with the right kind of nuts. GUJU CHE.

My parents contemplated going on a free vacation they won, just because they were concerned about vegetarian food options. GUJU CHE